Physical Fitness Day 3: Bicycling
Bicycling was the big activity for today. I rode around the lake with my wife. Bicycling is an excellent cardio and strength training workout.
Continue reading →Bicycling was the big activity for today. I rode around the lake with my wife. Bicycling is an excellent cardio and strength training workout.
Continue reading →The purpose of this article is for the Handy Father to teach his children how to pick up a bluegill. Fishing is one of the activities that fathers often teach their kids. Bluegill are a popular panfish that are easy to catch, and easy to fillet. It is the perfect type of fish for kids to catch. The only problem … Continue reading →
A handy father’s creative way to force child confessions was told to me by the author of Selling Songs. He told a story from his childhood. “Growing up my brother and I had B.B. guns and would shoot them all the time.” One day the boy’s father came to them, angry and annoyed that a few of the panes of … Continue reading →
We brought our kids to see the second installment from the Monsters Inc. movie series, Monsters University. The movie chronicles the life and childhood of Mike Wazowski, a small, green and bulbous one-eyed monster. His life goal was discovered during a field trip to the monster power plant. Mike gains access to a child’s bedroom where a “scarer” monster is … Continue reading →
The train game is a way for handy fathers to occupy the minds of children while waiting on a train to pass. The train game is simple. When stopped by a train, everyone in the vehicle tries to guess what color the last train car will be. The more common colors like black, white and gray are usually guessed by … Continue reading →
Father daughter date night, is a tradition this handy father follows. I have three kids, and try to make it a point every month to take at least one night, and make it special for one child. When it is father daughter night out, I take my daughter to a sit-down restaurant. I open the doors for her, and make … Continue reading →
Looking for an activity to do with your kids? Try a drive-in movie! It’s true, not all areas have drive-in movie theaters anymore. If you’re in an area lucky enough to have a drive-in movie theater, I encourage you to patronize it. If you’re in the United States, this listing of drive-in movie theaters will help you know if there … Continue reading →
I know from experience that kids and trampolines go together well. Jumping, bouncing, energy consumption, all good things. Whether the weather is cold and wet, or blistering and dry, the kids will want to be outside on the trampoline. Trampolines come in all sizes and don’t have to break the bank. The trampoline that we have was purchased for $40 … Continue reading →