Metal Detecting a Mystery Item!
Over the Thanksgiving weekend I did a bit of metal detecting. I found only one item of interest, and have the mystery item pictured below. I suspect that it is a piece of farming equipment, but I have no concrete ideas.
A few guesses by people I’ve asked are that it is a dagger, or a “vampire stake”. I doubt it.
My metal detecting hobby is fun for me and my kids, and we enjoy looking for buried treasures together. Keep watching for more of our finds on YouTube as well as right here at

This is the mystery metal detector find.

Is this a dagger? It is a mystery metal detector find.
Please comment below if you know what this is.
After a comment by a Handy Father reader, it was determined this mystery item is part of a hay mowing apparatus.
This last week, we had a family from the UK. They found the same item in their driveway as I found in Indiana, USA.

Thanks to Larry in the comments for saying this: This is a part off an old sickle bar mower. These mowers are still in use today mainly in cutting hay. Not sure what you call this part but there are 15 or more of these on the cutting bar depending on how long it is. It functions to part the grass stems and guide them through the blades which oscillate back and forth between them. You can buy new ones at any tractor supply store for $7-$10 each. The older ones like this are especially sought after by metal sculptures to use in their creations for bird beaks.
This is a part off an old sickle bar mower. These mowers are still in use today mainly in cutting hay. Not sure what you call this part but there are 15 or more of these on the cutting bar depending on how long it is. It functions to part the grass stems and guide them through the blades which oscillate back and forth between them. You can buy new ones at any tractor supply store for $7-$10 each. The older ones like this are especially sought after by metal sculptures to use in their creations for bird beaks.
Thank you for the info Larry! I had a notion it was something along those lines, just from the place where it was found.
Hi, we have just found one whilst metal detecting in our drive. We live in the UK. We were trying to find out what the item was and came across your post.
Want to share a photo Claire?
Thank you for the photos Claire! I have updated the post to include them. Good luck metal detecting!
You’re welcome. Happy metal detecting.
Hello! I just found one similar like yours in SW Cornwall England! I don’t know how to send you the pictures!
I just found one in our garden in Salina Kansas it looks slightly different but I’m guessing it’s the same tool. I don’t know how to post the picture but I’d sure like to know. My husband said it looks like a devil’s tool lol
Diana, Thanks for the comment. It turns out to be part of a hay-making machine.