Handy Father
What to do when you’ve had a fire
We had a fire. A total-loss of our in-house worldly possessions. This happened in May 2018. Until this point, I never knew what to do when you’ve had a fire, but now I’d consider myself an expert on the subject. The morning of the fire was not unlike any other morning. It was mid-May and we got the kids off … Continue reading →
Turn a summer kitchen into a yoga studio
This is the inside of an out-building on my property. It is native wood construction on a concrete foundation. It is 20′ from east to west and 16′ from north to south. It was built in approximately 1901 along with the main house on the homestead. It is the perfect size to do a little yoga studio for my wife. … Continue reading →
Is your table too short? Maybe this is the solution!
So, we have a nice large table in the kitchen, but the table is too short. As a family, if we are eating at home, we are eating at this table. The problem is that it’s too short. My wife has had this little table riser project on my to-do list ever since we acquired the table from my parents. … Continue reading →
Mason’s Root Beer Review
After a long hiatus, we are finally reviewing another root beer! Mason’s Root Beer Review Mason’s root beer is “keg barrel flavor”, as evidenced by the keg on the bottle. It comes in an interesting amber-colored glass bottle, and is bottled by the Real Soda company. The ingredients listed are vague, with Carbonated water, sugar, caramel color, sodium benzoate (a … Continue reading →
The Force Awakens
The Force Awakens, the newest film, Directed by J.J. Abrams is without a doubt, the triumphant return to a cherished franchise, Star Wars. All of the fan favorite characters are back in action, with references to many of the things we all love about the old films. I won’t go into a full synopsis of the movie so as not … Continue reading →
Metal Detecting a Mystery Item!
Over the Thanksgiving weekend I did a bit of metal detecting. I found only one item of interest, and have the mystery item pictured below. I suspect that it is a piece of farming equipment, but I have no concrete ideas. A few guesses by people I’ve asked are that it is a dagger, or a “vampire stake”. I doubt … Continue reading →
Original New York Seltzer™ Root Beer Soda Review
This is the first clear root beer we have tasted so far. Original New York Seltzer makes several naturally flavored sodas. Here is what our reviewers had to say: “It is like a Sprite root beer. It’s pretty good, and easy to drink.” “I thought I remembered the New York Seltzer tasting better than this, but all in all, it’s … Continue reading →
Metal Detecting 3 – A few good finds
As my favorite YouTuber says, “We are in search of relics”. Today, my oldest daughter Trinity and I did the majority of the metal detecting. We had a few good finds. The main one today was a mini coin-spill. I found two dimes and a penny in the same hole. The penny was the oldest at 1964, and the dimes … Continue reading →
Metal Detecting 2 – Our first Coin!
We spent another half an hour metal detecting in the yard today. Chloe wanted desperately to find something in the ground, but still lacks the strength as well as the patience to swing the metal detector long enough to find something. Today, we found more of the same… If you haven’t watched yesterday’s video, you may want to do that … Continue reading →