Physical Fitness for Handy Fathers
A true Handy Father should be physically fit. I just came to this conclusion. I don’t believe physical fitness for handy fathers to be an opinion, but a fact.
How can a father be there for his children if he is unable to perform the very life-skills being taught to his children?
I have decided that physical fitness for handy fathers will begin with a single father… myself. Were it not for the late hour at which I’m writing this article, a workout regimen would begin today. I just took part in a triple-header of men’s softball games, so I’ll put off any further exertion for the evening. Instead, I will lay out my plans for Physical fitness for handy fathers. We will be primed and ready for this adventure in the morning.
Tips to physical fitness for handy fathers
- Cut out the soda pop! Time to drink water. I’m not crazy now, since I’m a purveyor of fine Root Beer, and will most certainly indulge often. I think a good goal is to drink twice as much water as I drink anything else in a given day. I’m told by many health experts that I know, that the actual amount of water that should be drank is half of your body weight in ounces of water per day. I’m estimating my weight at 225, so I should be drinking 112.5 ounces of water per day under this way of thinking.
- Less sitting on one’s butt. Time for cardio (cardiovascular exercise). Right now I’d estimate my time wasted in a day watching a show or browsing the internet to be about 2 hours of total time. The goal to start is to do at least 30 minutes of cardio every day. I don’t care whether it is walking fast, jogging, running, swimming, biking, jumping rope or sex! Get that heart rate up for at least 30 minutes every day.
- Gain some muscle mass. Time for strength training. The basic muscle groups will be worked on a rotation ideally, so a bit of strength training can be done every day. Physical fitness for handy fathers need not be expensive though. No need to go out and buy a weight set. Let’s start with working our own body weight. I know that I for one have plenty of body weight to use.
- Flexibility training. Time for yoga! I know… dudes aren’t fans of the “Y” word, but just think of it as a way to be healthier, and please DON’T wear any yoga pants that you see the ladies walking around in public wearing.
These are the basic core of workouts to achieve physical fitness for handy fathers. Notice that I have not mentioned anything about a diet. Cutting out soda pop (or most of it) is the only change I plan on making in diet as I document my physical fitness.
Other plans for physical fitness for handy fathers
I plan on taking measurements, like weight and waist size before this journey begins, as well as weekly or bi-weekly updates. I plan on documenting all physical fitness training as well as daily food eaten, and amount of water, and soda pop as well.
Hopefully by documenting these things, I’ll be more likely to see success, or at least know what I did that kept me from achieving physical fitness.
Are you ready to join me in this journey? If so, follow @handyfather on twitter, like Handy Father on facebook, or follow the physical fitness feed to keep up to date on the latest physical fitness for handy fathers updates.
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