Repair Your Broken Side View Mirror
It is a common thing to see someone driving around town with a broken side view mirror. The glass can break for any number of reasons, but the outcome is the same no matter what. The result is unsafe driving conditions.
The handy father will not let this situation continue. While of course you can replace the entire mirror with a matching version for your make and model, that is not what the handy father does.
We are talking improvising.

The Handy Father will find a way to improvise a working rear view mirror replacement, saving money, and solving the problem at hand.
Tools needed to fix the broken side view mirror:
Obviously safety is important, so a pair of CUT RESISTANT GLOVES may be needed, and if you must break any of the glass to get it out, Safety Glasses
are a good idea as well.
A handy father isn’t handy without his eyes in tact.
Do you have any experience with replacing the side view mirror on your vehicle? If so, leave a comment and share your success with everyone else.
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